New Members Corner ] [ Applicants' checklist ] [ Step 1 ] [ Step 2 ] [ Step 3 ] [ Step 4 ] [ Step 5 ] [ Step 6 ] [ Step 7 ]

The information on this page, while public, will primarily be of interest to future Debian Developers.

Step 5: Recommendation

When the Applicant has completed the tasks and skills tests, expressed an understanding of the Social Contract, the Debian Free Software Guidelines and Debian Policies and Procedures and been properly identified, it is time for the Application Manager to make a final report to the Front Desk and the Debian Account Manager.

This report includes statements from the Advocate and other people who have worked with the Applicant, the completed identification information, all discussions between the Application Manager and the Applicant and details about the Skill checks, as well a comment from the Application Manager.

The Application Manager will include a recommendation to either accept or reject the Applicant.

New Members Corner ] [ Applicants' checklist ] [ Step 1 ] [ Step 2 ] [ Step 3 ] [ Step 4 ] [ Step 5 ] [ Step 6 ] [ Step 7 ]