Linux has been garnering strength for a number of years now, and its still growing popularity drives more and more users to make the jump. The first step on that path is to pick a distribution. This is an important decision, because each distribution has its own peculiarities, and future migration costs can be avoided if the right choice is made from the start.
Debian GNU/Linux je "generička" Linux distribucija koja odgovara većini korisnika. Svrha ove knjige je prikazati sve njegove aspekte tako da možete donijeti odluku prilikom odabira.
Linux has gathered a fair amount of media coverage over the years and is immensely growing, driven for example by the spreading use of virtual servers, embedded systems, and the use of artificial intelligence; it mostly benefits the distributions supported by a real marketing department — in other words, company-backed distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE, and so on). But Debian is far from being a marginal distribution; multiple studies have shown over the years that it is widely used both on servers and on desktops. This is particularly true among web servers where Debian and Ubuntu are the leading Linux distributions.
The purpose of this book is to help you discover this distribution. We hope to share the experience that we have gathered since we joined the project as developers and contributors in 1998 (Raphaël) and 2000 (Roland). With any luck, our enthusiasm will be contagious, and maybe you will join us sometime…
Prvo izdanje knjige (2004) je popunilo prazninu: bilo je to prvo francusko izdanje fokusirano isključivo na Debian. U to vrijeme, veliki broj knjiga na francuskom i engleskom je napisano na tu temu.Nažalost skoro niti jedna kasnije nije ažurirana, tijekom godina situacija je došla do stupnja da imamo vrlo malo kvalitetnih knjiga o Debian sustavu. Nadamo se da će ova knjiga, koja je započela novi život prijevodom na engleski (te na ostale jezike prevedene sa engleskog), popuniti prazninu te pomoći korisnicima.