第一章集中探讨介绍 Debian 项目非技术性方面的内容,同时描述该项目的目标和组织结构。这些方面的内容较为重要,因为它们定义了一个总体框架,其它章节将围绕该框架完成更具体的信息介绍。
第二章和第三章提供了一个清晰的范例分析大纲。新手读者可能需要花时间去阅读附录B,那是一个简短的补习课程,解释了一些基本计算机概念,以及任何 Unix 系统固有的概念。
讲到实际的主题,我们很自然地从安装过程开始(第四章);第五章和第六章展现了任何 Debian 管理员都会使用到的一些基本工具,例如令这个发行版拥有卓越声誉的 APT 工具族。这些章节可不是仅供专业人员看的,因为每个人在家里都是自己电脑的管理员。
Chapter 15 is for administrators who want to go further and create their own Debian packages. Finally, Chapter 16 describes the possible future of Debian.
The present version is already the tenth edition of the book (we include the first four that were only available in French). This edition covers version 11 of Debian, code-named Bullseye. Among the changes, Debian now supports UEFI Secure Boot, providing some extra safety against attacks on the boot infrastructure, and making it easier to install Debian on new computers where Secure Boot is usually enabled by default. Again at the security level, AppArmor, a Mandatory Access Control system that regulates what various applications are allowed to perform, is now enabled by default. All included packages have obviously been updated, including the GNOME desktop, which is now in its version 3.38.
关键字:定义一个技术用语,有时候是 Debian 特定的用语;
社区:Debian 项目相关的重要的人或角色;
POLICY: a rule or recommendation from the Debian Policy; This document is essential within the project, and describes how to package software. The parts of the policy highlighted in this book bring direct benefits to users (for example, knowing that the policy standardizes the location of documentation and examples makes it easy to find them even in a new package);